SkyCam UAV’s latest Product Offering
Virtual Tour with Video
We are delighted to launch our new product offering – virtual tour with video. After some extensive product development we are now able to incorporate video within our Virtual Tours.
This product is quite unique and we have not been able to find any other companies offering this in the Queensland Marketplace. While this initially looks like an ordinary Virtual Tour. It is in fact quite different. We can now seamlessly incorporate Video into the Virtual Tour. Apart from the poor acting on my behalf this adds yet another dimension to the Virtual Tour. Talk to your clients while they tour your property/vehicle. Point out things they should look at. Add that personal touch to what can be an impersonal experience.
Furthermore, the scenarios for use of this technology are endless:
- Real Estate
- Builders
- Retail
- Wholesale
- Online sellers
- Motorhome and Caravan Builders to name a few
This represents the latest technology in online Marketing. Forward thinking businesses will stand above their competition. Therefore attracting more business by offering an immersive and engaging Virtual Tour Experience
SkyCam UAV has been creating Virtual Tours since mid 2016. Over 200 Virtual Tours have been created for our clients. Over 100,000 unique viewers have viewed our Virtual Tours. Check our home page for all of our services. SkyCam offers two distinct types of Virtual Tours. Virtual tour which can incorporate video. 3D Virtual Tour that can embed any type of Media (Matterport Tour).
Our prices are very competitive. Contact us for a quote.